dinsdag 14 juni 2016

Legs and conecting it all together

Made the legs today, they are provided from another layout of mine. I make some adapterplates on top so the legs will fit these modules:

The widest set for the middle. It will provide stability for the whole set of 4:

Measuring the adapterplate:

Went inside in the living room for a flat bottom:

Mounting the first set in the middle:

Provide strength between the 2 sets:

And the first part of 2 is on its own legs now:

And after some hard work the rest is also ready and mounted:

Extra strenghth on the left side:

Dis some re-planning and fitting. Drawbridge will be on the second module so that I have room on the left for the long wooden trestle, a key focus point of the area I'm modelling:

Back of the modules:

Finished the corners with this wooden profile:

After tearing down all you end up with this. it is also the starting point when setting this set of four up on its feet:

And the whole set:

Later more!

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