woensdag 27 juli 2016

Big update

Hi all,

A big building update today. I did a lot after the last post.

The layout in the garage at home without her legs:

And with:

Starting the landscaping with 5 mm XPS:

Building up the right corner of the layout:

The bridge

And a Google streetview of the place:

Fitting the bridge with shoes:

Making the bridge headwall:

Cut out:

Corner wall:

And glued together:

Measuring out the trackbed with 5 mm plex:

Gluing and drying with extra weight:

This is what it looks now:

From a lower angle:

left side building op the landscape and refitting the trackbed with a thinner piece of plex::



Getting the pilons kit:

The parts (times 2):

There are scribe lines to fit every possible height and width:

First pilon:

Side piece has to be trimmed in height:

On its place on the layout:

Level out with a 6 mm thick piece of plex:

Fitting the bridge with the shoes provided in the kit:

Making pilons:

Woodpiece for measuring up the 4 pieces of one pilon:


And gently broken:


See through:

Side view:

Right side:


Mocking up the wood trestle:

More to come!

Grtz, Ronald.

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